
Why participate?

Short videos (2-3 mins long)

1. What are ICCAs—territories of life?

2. Why submit your ICCA—territory of life to the ICCA Registry, and how?

3. What definitions can your ICCA—territory of life meet?

Webinars (40 mins long)

ICCA Registry webinar 1: why participate

An introduction to the ICCA Registry, a database of territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities, managed by UNEP-WCMC. This webinar discusses the potential benefits of participating in the ICCA Registry, and things to consider before doing so.

ICCA Registry webinar 2: how to participate

Following on from webinar 1, 'The ICCA Registry: why participate?', this webinar discusses how to participate in the global Registry of territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities.