
International conservation and targets

The role of ICCAs—territories of life in global conservation

Recognition and reporting of ICCAs territories of life is relevant to internationally adopted conservation goals, including the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developments and its Sustainable Development Goals.

The ambitious goals and targets that have been agreed under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework will require collaboration across governments, private actors, Indigenous Peoples, local communities and others. Non-state conservation efforts, such as ICCAs, will play a crucial part in achieving the goals and targets.

Target 3 aims to effectively and equitably protect 30% of the planet by 2030. This ambition can only be achieved by recognising non-state conservation efforts, including territories and areas under Indigenous and community governance. Target 3 outlines that appropriate recognition must be given to Indigenous and traditional territories – recognising that Indigenous Peoples and local communities often manage and conserve areas with unique and significant biodiversity and will make important contributions to the target.

All Target 3 activities must be carried out with recognition and respect for the rights of Indigenous Peoples and local communities, including over their traditional territories. The traditional knowledge, innovations and practices of Indigenous Peoples and local communities need to be respected and integrated into conservation strategies.

Fulfilling the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the 2050 vision of "living in harmony with nature” can only be achieved through a human rights-based approach that respects Indigenous Peoples and local communities as rights-holders.

Tracking progress towards international conservation targets

From 2011 – 2020, the Protected Planet Initiative tracked progress towards Aichi Target 11, the previous area-based conservation target set out under the Convention on Biological Diversity. Following the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, Protected Planet now tracks progress towards Target 3. ICCAs that are submitted to the Protected Planet Initiative as protected areas or OECMs are included in assessments of progress towards the target.

The need for recognition of ICCAs—territories of life and their custodians

Indigenous Peoples and local communities have been conserving biodiversity for millennia, but recognition of their efforts by the international community lags far behind that of formally designated protected areas. As global biodiversity continues to decline, ICCAs provide some of the most important safe havens for species and ecosystems. Governments have agreed on biodiversity targets to address this decline, and ICCAs have an important role to play in the achievement of these targets. In order to do so, they require appropriate recognition and support from national governments and the wider world.

Self-recognition and knowledge-sharing between communities is an important step towards this broader recognition. The ICCA Registry provides Indigenous Peoples and communities with a platform that supports this.

The ICCA Registry and Protected Planet are mentioned in several decisions of the CBD Conference of the Parties (CBD COP).

CBD COP decisions relating to the ICCA Registry

COP 10 Decision X/31, Invites Parties to:

(c) Consider voluntary in-depth reporting using standardized indexes and taxonomies including the proposed global registry of indigenous and community conserved areas, where applicable.

COP 11 Decision XI/24, Invites Parties to:

(e) Strengthen recognition of and support for community-based approaches to conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in situ, including indigenous and local community conserved areas, other areas within IUCN governance types and initiatives led by indigenous and local communities that fulfil the objectives of Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 and support the voluntary use of the Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas Registry managed by the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre [emphasis added].

COP 11 Decision XI/24

Requests the Executive Secretary, in partnership with relevant organizations, subject to the availability of funding, to continue supporting implementation of national action plans for the programme of work and progress towards achieving Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 and other related targets at the national, sub-regional and regional levels. These activities include…making available tools and technical guidance on those areas where progress is lacking, such as mainstreaming protected areas and defining area-based conservation measures; fostering relevant capacity-building for indigenous and local communities; and supporting the further development of local registries of indigenous and community conserved areas and the Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas Registry maintained by the World Conservation Monitoring Centre.

See here how ICCAs are represented in biodiversity law and conservation policy: https://www.iccaconsortium.org/index.php/internati...